Saturday, October 23, 2010

Are these symptoms of yeast infection?

i know that itching and irritation, and also a curdlike discharge are symptoms, but i was wondering if bumps and roughness around the vulva, or opening and inside of the vagina are symptoms of the same infection?
also, if you dont have health insurance to go see a doctor, what can you do to treat these symptoms, a possible yeast infection?Are these symptoms of yeast infection?
That does sound like a yeast infection..
feels like an intense itching, burning sensation, localized in your vagina and vulva. this itching is not always present, but can get really bad, so bad you can hardly walk, let alone ride your bike to the pharmacy or doctor to get it treated.
looks like clumpy nasty white stuff. most medical descriptions compare the discharge to ricotta cheese, but it can range from thick and not clumpy to faintly yellow to thin and clear.
smells like bread or beer. in fact, it smells pretty much exactly like yeast, although the yeast used in brewing and baking is an entirely different species (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). no bacteria could smell like that, so it's a great diagnostic.
The bumps and roughness does not sound like a yeast infection. There are many free clinics you can go to to get treated, such as your local Health Department.

burning of the vagina
burning when urinating
discomfort during or after sexual intercourse
irritation of the vagina
itching and burning of the female vulva
itching of the vagina
painful sexual intercourse
painful intercourse
vulva redness and swelling
odorless vaginal discharge (may be thick whitish-gray and cottage-cheese-like or may be watery in consistency)
Hope this cure Yeast Infection site can help you:

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