Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Bigger breasts?

what is bust serum?is it safe 4 a 15yr old?Bigger breasts?
There are no topical applications that will enlarge your breasts. Save your money.
You are only 15, give mother nature a chance.
Breasts are comprised of a lot of fatty tissue and the girls your age who are "well endowed" are more prone to retain fat. Give it another 10 years and they will be complaining about their thighs and hips while you will be looking good.
By the time you reach 18-19 your breasts will be fully developed. Until then, be patient and try to appreciate yourself.
iam one of those people who could honestly care less about how big thay ar. it doesnt matter to me and i doubt it ever will. i still dont understand why girls obsess over it. i mean sure your size is fine but why try to change something that you have but giting fat pragnet or pills or play with tham more

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