Saturday, October 23, 2010

Are there any ladies who take Premerin/Provera?

I take Prem/Pro 2 get my period every month. Let me tell you..Provera is the worst drug ever! Everytime I take it im moody, bitchy, irratable, depressed, and very emotional. I can start crying for no reason. I easily g et upset and for that 1-2 wks I gain like 5lbs b/c im always binge eating. I have absolultely no control of my feelings and emotions. I throw tantrums. I become antisocial and all I fwanna do when I get home from work is stuff my face and go 2 sleep. Also I spend allot of money 2 b/c I it makes me feel better...untill the bills arrive.
Im suppose 2 take provera for 7days straight...I Only take it for 3days and I still get bitchy. Imagine if I took it for 7days!! God I"d be in a loooney house.
What should I do?Are there any ladies who take Premerin/Provera?
Yes I do. I have turner syndrome and I need to take it because of my hormone level. Im suppose to start taking it today.What is ur dosage?? Email me because I have more questions for you.
Tell your doctor what you're experiencing and maybe he/she can prescribe something else, like birth control.
i asked my dr for that as (i kno this is gross but...) i was heavy bleeding for like 2 months! and i had to go into surgery for a hip replacement. he gave me megestrol its like the same thing! it stopped my bleeding from the first pill! i quit taking them after my surgery its been 2 months! and now the bleeding started AgAIN!even with the pills! im only 37 and i think its early menepause! but i too have the same affect with the pills and im supposed to take 2 a day but i dont! i would suggest the same for u! only take it like once a day every 2-3 days IF THAT

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