Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Bleeding 5 days after sex?

5 days ago (Valentines Day) I lost my virginity and I didn't bleed so much.
Ever since yesterday It started stinging a bit in my area and I had to use the restroom at the same time and it burned and I bled a bit. It also happend all this morning like 5 times. It's freaking me out and im pretty sure he doesn't have anything so I dont think I caught something from him. Maybe he ripped it? He is a bit over average so that's what I think happend.Bleeding 5 days after sex?
go see you OB/GYNO... you should have done that anyway as soon as possible after becoming sexually active. they can give you an RX for the pill and make sure your ok and healthy down there.
It's most likley nothing. but you are better safe than sorry.
and it's all private and confidential.
U must visit to a doctor...
Go to the doctor asap!
Could be a number of things, infection or splitting. Did he wear a condom? You could be allergic to the latex, but i dont think that would make you bleed that much. Some bleeding is normal for your first time, but not 5 days after the fact.
You should have gone to the doctor after the second day!
Go... now! It could lead to bigger problems if you dont!
u need to c a doctor mostly a women doctor.
Are you a teen..did you take protection and now what are you waiting for, go see a doctor..

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